
At The Forefront Of Dental Engineering


hyperDENT ® is the world leading software system in the dental CAM market and is valued among experts for its modular product structure. Our customers are provided with CAM solutions tailored to their specific application and implementation needs.


hyperDENT ® Classic was developed for the advanced user. This open CAM solution is No. 1 amongst milling centers where flexible and optimized manufacturing processes are crucial. The simultaneous processing and calculation of multiple projects using the Multiple Start function is very intuitive and a huge timesaver. With the Template Generator, the user can develop individual milling strategies. These tailor-made solutions meet challenging market requirements precisely, resulting in higher customer satisfaction. With the provided interfaces to machine automations, more efficient machining is achieved and blanks can be processed automatically with ease. In addition, the Implant Module enables machining of one-piece abutments and bridge constructions. hyperDENT ® Classic’s professional functionality and variety of complementary options deliver high performance to demanding users.

Compact User Interface

Milling of implants and geometries

Angled screw channels

Hybrid manufacturing of dental indications


hyperDENT ® Compact was designed for use in dental labs and can be utilized on all open milling machines. The simplified user interface with a managed workflow provides real added value for high-end newcomers and those who wish to become quickly familiar with CAM. Provided databases allow fast, secure, efficient and precise milling. With the exception of one-piece abutments and bridge constructions, all indications can be manufactured using hyperDENT ® Compact. Within no time, users will achieve optimal results to match their requirements. Not all modules available in hyperDENT ® Classic can be utilized with hyperDENT ® Compact. An upgrade to hyperDENT ® Classic is possible at any time.

Compact User Interface

Manufacturing of full dentures

Angled screw channels



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